Our Services

Contamination Assessments

Land, air and water contamination assessments require a multi-disciplinary approach to determine the nature and extent of the contamination within a site and the actual or potential risk it presents to human health & the environment that clearly defines their risk exposure.

Our services Include:

  • Preliminary and Detailed Site Investigations

  • Land Suitability and Due Diligence Assessments

  • Property Pre-purchase or Sale Assessments

  • Groundwater Investigations

  • Air Quality & Odour Impact Assessments

  • Dam Water & Sediment Assessments

  • Dust Monitoring & High Volume Air Sampling

  • Acid Sulfate Soil and Salinity Assessments

Remediation Services

Our expertise in the environmental field combined with regulatory knowledge enables us to identify and quantify the environmental problems on your site, so we can propose the best remediation strategy.

As every project can have unique contamination issues, adequate site characterisation and risk identification is required to provide the most suitable and cost-efficient site remediation solution to meet your financial project budget.

We unite environmental data with the site’s history and contaminant profile to develop a site-specific Remediation Action Plan (RAP) and final Validation assessment.

We also prepare Long Term Environmental Management Plans (LTEMP) for ongoing environmental issues.

Waste Classifications

ECON Environmental also assists clients in their project’s soil and waste management by undertaking sample testing and classification of soil material, whether being natural, excavated or fill material and provide recommendations on the disposal to EPA Licenced Facilitites, or reuse options.

With a Licensed Asbestos Assessor (LAA) on board we can also perform asbestos inspections and manage asbestos removal and disposal of asbestos contaminated soil material within a site in line with the legal requirements.

  • Waste Classifications

  • ENM or VENM Classifications

Geotechnical Investigations

A Geotechnical Investigation is undertaken to provide information on the surface and subsurface soil conditions within a development site. It delivers a factual engineering assessment, comments and design recommendations relating to the possible impacts within the building envelope, surrounding areas and neighbouring structures. The investigation includes:

  • a preliminary understanding of the geological and geotechnical conditions on the subject site

  • identify potential constraints for assessment & planning

  • excavation conditions (i.e. excavatability, stability etc)

  • foundation conditions, including site/lot classification in accordance with AS2870 and recommendations on suitable footing types.

Onsite Wastewater Designs

An Onsite Wastewater Report is a technical document which specifies how the sewage produced onsite will be managed, treated and then disposed. An Onsite Wastewater Report carefully considers the environment, health, cost and long term management options for the onsite management of sewage. The performance objectives of the Onsite Wastewater Assessment are to:

  • protect human health, ground and surface water

  • maintain and enhance the quality of the land

  • maintain and enhance community amenity

  • ensure maximum re-use of resources, and

  • promote an ecologically sustainable development

Acid Sulfate Soil Assessment

The objective of an Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment is to determine the potential and risk of acid sulfate soils within proposed developments, in accordance with the NSW Acid Sulfate Soil Management Advisory Committee 1998 “The Acid Sulfate Soils Manual” and determines if an Acid Sulfate Soils Management Plan is required.

A soil sampling and analysis program is used to consolidate the nature and degree of Acid Sulfate Soils present in the surface and subsurface geology. Nominated soil samples are also sent to a NATA certified laboratory to undertake SPOCAS testing. The results of the laboratory analysis indicate whether there is or not discernible Acid Sulfate generating potential within the site.

We also provide construction recommendations for the salinity conditions encountered within a site and the potential adverse impact of salinity on the proposed development.

Hazardous Material Assessments

ECON Environmental investigates, assesses and recommends solutions for the control, management and minimisation of building related hazardous containing materials, including Asbestos and Lead Paint.

The ECON Environmental team undertakes building inspections and clearances for their ongoing management or prior to their demolition.

Services include:

  • Hazardous Materials Assessment & Surveys

  • Risk Assessments and Management Plans

  • Asbestos, Lead Paint and Dust Sampling

  • Stored Chemicals Registration

  • SEP33 Preliminary Hazardous Analysis

Asbestos Assessments

ECON Environmental has an experienced SafeWork NSW licenced asbestos assessor that can assist you on asbestos contaminated projects.

Services include:

  • Air monitoring during asbestos removal works

  • Clearance Inspections Certificates relating to Asbestos removal works

  • Identifying the location, type and condition of Asbestos or ACM, via NATA Accredited Laboratory Analysis

  • Asbestos Risk Assessments

  • Asbestos Management Plans

Biodiversity Assessment Reports

ECON Environmental can assit you with the following requirements:

  • General Flora surveys and Habitat Assessments

  • Desktop research (e.g., BioNet and SEED database review, literature review, regional vegetation mapping review, etc).

  • Identification of landscape features, native vegetation extent, plant community types (PCTs), habitat types and threatened species (if present).

  • Vegetation integrity assessments

  • Ecological constraints assessment report

  • Identification and assessment of ecosystem and SAII species credit species.

  • Identification and recommendation of appropriate avoidance and minimisation strategies.

  • Identification and assessment of direct and indirect impacts.

Bush Fire Assessment Reports

ECON Environmental has an experienced Bushfire consultants that can assist you on bushfire assessments for your development.

Services include:

  • Assessing possible building footprints, size and location of asset protection zones, access provisions, and other bushfire mitigation matters which may apply.

  • Assessing the type of building design and construction material requirements.

  • Provision of a detailed list of your applicable BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) construction requirements under AS3959 - 2018 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas for your reference.

  • Liaison with the Rural Fire Service, if deemed necessary.

  • Provide comments regarding BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating for the proposed development pertinent to bushfire.

Flood Study Reports

ECON Environmental can assit you with the following Flood Assessments:

  • Assessment of contemporary catchment literature, studies and data,

  • Explicitly consider the impact 1:100-year flood event (and PMF, as required) upon the development,

  • Evaluate the proposed development against LGA flood planning policies and provide recommendations to achieve compliance.

  • Commentary on Hydraulic, Hazard, and Flood Classification of the Site,

  • Recommendations of minimum Finished Floor Levels (FFLs) and building components,

  • Recommended Site Access, flood-safe egress and/or refuge (where suitable),

  • Flood evacuation Plan.

For Project Enquires